248 Star Wars Trivia Questions (Ranked From Easiest to Hardest) (2025)

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There are 233 questions on everything from the original trilogy to The Last Jedi and more.

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248 Star Wars Trivia Questions Ranked From Easiest to Hardest (Updated For 2024)

  1. “May the Fourth be with you” is the official tagline of the galaxy-wide holiday celebrated the first week of May in honor of what sci-fi franchise?

    Answer: Star Wars

  2. What 2018 Star Wars film focuses on the early adventures of Chewbacca and the character who was portrayed by Harrison Ford in "A New Hope," "The Empire Strikes Back," and "Return of the Jedi?"

    Answer: Solo

  3. "Rogue One" was a 2016 standalone feature film starring Felicity Jones within the universe (er, galaxy) of what film franchise?

    Answer: Star Wars

  4. What Admiral in the rebellion, a member of the Mon Calamari race, famously exclaimed “It’s a trap!” during the climactic space battle at the end of “Return Of The Jedi?”

    Answer: Admiral Ackbar

  5. Sure to mess up Star Wars Day, 63.4% of Texas tornadoes between 1951 and 2016 struck during what month of the year?

    Answer: May

  6. The Empire Strikes Back hit theaters during Memorial Day Weekend in 1980. That same week, an iconic horror film opened but had a relatively weak opening box office because it was counter-programmed against the Star Wars installment. What was this Jack Nicholson-starring horror film?

    Answer: The Shining

  7. What bipeds, native to the forest moon of Endor, play a major role in the destruction of the second death star in Return of the Jedi?

    Answer: Ewoks

  8. With ten appearances, Anthony Daniels holds the record for actor who has appeared in the most "Star Wars" films, playing what shiny, alphanumerically named character?

    Answer: C3PO

  9. Gina Carano plays what rebel turned mercenary who often helps the titular bounty hunter on Disney+’s “The Mandalorian?” Her last name is the same as a different sci-fi franchise created by Frank Herbert.

    Answer: Cara Dune

  10. Star Wars fan Mike J. Nichols released a fan edit of "Episode I – The Phantom Menace" entitled "The Phantom Edit" in which, along with other smaller changes, he almost entirely removed which controversial character voiced by Ahmed Best?

    Answer: Jar Jar Binks

  11. Alden Ehrenreich played what occasionally smug but generally well-intentioned Star Wars character in a 2018 spin-off prequel movie? He is known for wearing a vest and for being called scruffy looking.

    Answer: Han Solo

  12. What agile and murderous Sith Lord with a double lightsaber, trained by Darth Sidious, has been portrayed by Ray Park in “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace” and “Solo: A Star Wars Story?”

    Answer: Darth Maul

  13. James Earl Jones said he only made $7,000 for his role as which character in “Star Wars: A New Hope?”

    Answer: Darth Vader

  14. George Lucas is on record saying that its shape was inspired by a hamburger, how is the light freighter YT-1300 492727ZED better known?

    Answer: The Millennium Falcon

  15. In the 2018 film “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” Lando Calrissian was portrayed by which actor who’s better known in the music business as Childish Gambino?

    Answer: Donald Glover

  16. What Star Wars character, the grandson of Shmi Lars, worked on a family moisture farm on Tatooine, although perhaps he was meant for something greater?

    Answer: Luke Skywalker

  17. Although during the majority of the films he is not called “Chancellor Palpatine,” what science fiction series sees Ian McDiarmid fairly elected as the head of the Galactic Senate in Episode 1?

    Answer: Star Wars

  18. In May 2022, Star Wars fans were saddened by the passing of Colin Cantwell, whose most famous designs included those for what gigantic weapon destroyed at the end of "A New Hope?"

    Answer: Death Star

  19. What starfighter used by the Rebel Alliance in the Star Wars films has four laser cannons and two proton torpedo launchers? It gets its name because the way it extends has a distinct shape that resembles a letter.

    Answer: X-Wing Starfighter

  20. As shown in detail in “Solo: A Star Wars Story”, Han Solo made a legendary accomplishment when he raced across what dangerous space “Run” in a record 12 parsecs?

    Answer: Kessel Run

  21. What member of the Jedi council, armed with a grim attitude and an amethyst-colored lightsaber, was played by Samuel L. Jackson in the Star Wars prequels?

    Answer: Mace Windu

  22. Daisy Ridley made her first appearance as Rey in which 3-word Star Wars film?

    Answer: The Force Awakens

  23. Troy Kotsur, who won Best Supporting Actor for “Coda” at the 2022 Academy Awards, played a member of what “T” desert alien race on “The Mandalorian?” They are typically depicted as desert raiders, prone to bouts of anger.

    Answer: Tusken

  24. Of the two live-action "stand alone" movies (i.e., not part of one of the trilogies) which takes place first chronologically? It was the second of the live-action stand alone movies in term of theatrical release, however. (There was also an animated film.)

    Answer: Solo: A Star Wars Story

  25. In May 2018, a Star Wars spinoff film was released that followed the journeys of Han Solo. What is the name of Solo's bipedal, hirsute sidekick from the planet of Kashyyyk?

    Answer: Chewbacca

  26. In “Star Wars Episode II: Attack Of The Clones”, Anakin Skywalker tells Padme Amidala that he doesn’t like what 4-letter yellow biproduct of rock erosion, claiming “it’s course and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere?”

    Answer: Sand

  27. Who was the first character to speak in the first Star Wars movie? This anxiety-ridden sidekick stands five feet and eight inches tall.

    Answer: C3PO

  28. Darth Vader is famously misquoted with "Luke, I am your father." Darth Vader does not say "Luke" in that pivotal moment. What word did he say instead?

    Answer: No

  29. What 2021 Disney+ series allows seven Japanese animation studios to bring their unique perspectives to the Star Wars universe, through short films? It is a plural word for seeing something concrete through a dream or trance.

    Answer: Star Wars: Visions

  30. More commonly heard in relation to bald heads, what rhyming pair of words does Finn call Captain Phasma after she calls him a "bug in the system" in Episode VIII - The Last Jedi?

    Answer: Chrome Dome

  31. Sir Alec Guinness was nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 50th Academy Awards for portraying what Jedi Knight in the first Star Wars film?

    Answer: Obi-Wan Kenobi

  32. What large, hairy mammals with spiral horns inhabit the planet Tatooine and are used by other species for products such as meat and butter? They first appear in the first film of the “Star Wars” film series.

    Answer: Bantha

  33. "Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge," in which visitors can "fly" the Millennium Falcon, is an area of what Anaheim, California theme park that first opened in 1955?

    Answer: Disneyland

  34. Which kind of crystal powers a lightsaber, as well as the superlaser of the Death Star?

    Answer: Kyber

  35. Spoken by Princess Leia after Han Solo says he won't get in the way of her relationship with Luke, what two words complete the final line of Return of the Jedi: It's not like that at all. He's ...?

    Answer: ...my brother

  36. What character from the Star Wars prequels was Queen and later Senator of Naboo, although a tragic marriage to a talented Jedi master would cause her problems? She was played by Natalie Portman in the films.

    Answer: Padme Amidala

  37. What number was the Order created by the Galactic Republic, which secretly branded all Jedi as enemies of the Republic and subject to direct execution? It is the same number as the Will Rogers Highway, a famous Route spanning from Chicago to Los Angeles.

    Answer: Order 66

  38. What is the name of the Moff played by Giancarlo Esposito in the Disney+ series “The Mandalorian”, who seeks to rebuild the Galactic Empire by capturing the Baby Yoda known as Grogu? He shares a name with a biblical prophet known for his calling and later victory over the Midianites.

    Answer: Moff Gideon

  39. In "The Phantom Menace," Padmé Amidala, portrayed by Natalie Portman, becomes the 14-year-old queen of which bountiful green planet in the Star Wars universe?

    Answer: Naboo

  40. Although he had a much more famous actor providing his voice, David Prowse was inside the suit of what major villain of the original Star Wars trilogy?

    Answer: Darth Vader

  41. What kind of tree primarily made up the California forest land used for the Endor scenes in "Return of the Jedi?"

    Answer: Redwood

  42. Featuring in Episode VI: Return of the Jedi, the scenes of the forest moon of Endor were shot in and around a national park in which U.S. state?

    Answer: California

  43. In order to agree to a role in the Star Wars prequel films, actor Samuel L. Jackson requested that his character's lightsaber would be what color? The request was eventually accepted.

    Answer: Purple

  44. In “The Mandalorian,” the character is known as Baby Yoda, or even just “The Child,” but it turns out he actually goes by what “G” name?

    Answer: Grogu

  45. Played by Christopher Lee in "Attack of the Clones" and "Revenge of the Sith", what is the Sith name of former Jedi Master Count Dooku?

    Answer: Darth Tyranus

  46. A major plot hole in the "Star Wars" franchise is Leia claiming to remember her mother in "Return of the Jedi," despite Padme Amidala dying in childbirth in which prequel movie?

    Answer: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

  47. What Canadian actor, who played the young Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars Episodes II and III, came back to play Darth Vader in the 2022 Disney+ miniseries "Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

    Answer: Hayden Christensen

  48. Clocking in at 2 hours and 32 minutes (according to its IMDB.com runtime), which of the 9 movies in the Skywalker Saga is the longest?

    Answer: The Last Jedi

  49. What five-letter name is shared by a realm in Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time" series and an upcoming Disney+ show starring Diego Luna as a thief turned rebel?

    Answer: Andor

  50. Used as an alias of another major character in the original trilogy, what first name did Han Solo and Leia Organa give their son before he changed his name to Kylo Ren?

    Answer: Ben

  51. In “Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones,” on which planet does Obi-Wan uncover the clone army?

    Answer: Kamino

  52. In “Star Wars: The Clone Wars,” voice actor Kevin Michael Richardson portrayed what massive, slimy villain who first appeared in “Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi?”

    Answer: Jabba The Hut

  53. A military program announced by President Reagan in March 1983 promoted funding for lasers and particle beam weapons and was formally known as the Strategic Defense Initiative. However, what two-word name was the program (somewhat mockingly) nicknamed by the public?

    Answer: Star Wars

  54. What ice planet is the area where the first big battle of "The Empire Strikes Back" takes place?

    Answer: Hoth

  55. "Exsqueeze me", "I spake", and "Oh, Gooberfish!" are lines spoken by which divisive character in "Star Wars: Episode 1- The Phantom Menace?"

    Answer: Jar Jar Binks

  56. Although viewers learn eventually that she is a Skywalker by birth, what is the surname of Princess Leia that is taken from her adoptive parents?

    Answer: Organa

  57. On which planet in the Outer Rim Territories do we see Ponda Baba (aka "Walrus Man") lose an arm while the song "Mad About Me" plays in the background?

    Answer: Tatooine (in the Mos Eisley Cantina)

  58. What first name did Obi-Wan use while exiled on Tatooine? (Hint: It’s also how he’s introduced in the first film)

    Answer: Ben

  59. Attacked Luke in the Jundland Waste. Blasted potshots at pod racers in "Phantom Menace." Helped The Mandalorian beat a krayt dragon. What outdoorsy people am I talking about?

    Answer: Tusken Raiders

  60. What Star Wars console video game released at the end of 2020 focuses on space combat inspired by the movie franchise? The title comes from the operational air force units comprised of two or more aircraft and their personnel.

    Answer: Star Wars: Squadrons

  61. A world record holder for faking out stormtroopers about droid identities, the O.G. Obi-Wan Kenobi in 1977's "Star Wars" was played by Sir Alec WHO?

    Answer: Guinness

  62. At the start of the original trilogy (now the 4th movie), the viewer learns that Yoda has been living in exile on what swampy planet?

    Answer: Dagobah

  63. Blink-182 sings, "And of course I'd do anything for her, I'd search the moons of Endor" in what 1997 song that's named after a Star Wars episode?

    Answer: A New Hope

  64. What “G” Rodian bounty with green skin famously cornered Han Solo in the Mos Eisley Cantina in “Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope,” only to get shot for his efforts? His name kind of sounds like another word for avarice.

    Answer: Greedo

  65. In the infamous Star Wars Holiday Special, which character is revealed to have a son named Lumpawaroo (a.k.a. Lumpy)?

    Answer: Chewbacca

  66. The United States' proposed Strategic Defense Initiative was often best known by what pop-culture nickname, which it received in a 1983 article in the Washington Post?

    Answer: Star Wars

  67. At the start of “Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith,” Obi-Wan is on the hunt for which villain he must defeat in order to end the war? (Hint: The alliteratively named character was CGI-animated and voiced by Matthew Wood)

    Answer: General Grievous

  68. Which 2005 “Star Wars” film marked the first appearance of Order 66?

    Answer: Revenge of the Sith

  69. What legendary effects company was founded by George Lucas in 1975 to provide effects for the Star Wars franchise?

    Answer: Industrial Light & Magic

  70. Danoga is the dangerous creature that lives inside what appliance/room/large machinery on the original Death Star?

    Answer: Garbage Compactor

  71. Born John Adedayo Bamidele Adegboyega but known by the shorter John Boyega professionally, what character was played by this British-Nigerian actor in the Star Wars franchise?

    Answer: Finn

  72. 2021 saw the release of what animated TV show, a continuation of the Clone Wars saga created by Dave Filoni and starring Ming-Na Wen and Freddie Prinze, Jr.? The two-word alliterative title implies these post-Clone War Clones are not the greatest.

    Answer: Bad Batch

  73. The Trans-Alaska Pipeline System started operating at the height of the oil crisis and the height of "Star Wars" mania in what year of the 1970s?

    Answer: 1977

  74. In most television, novel, and comic book appearances of the Empire's Grand Admiral Thrawn, what color is the character's skin?

    Answer: Blue

  75. It's a bit unsurprising that Temuera played Boba Fett in the second season of The Mandalorian given that the New Zealander played what previous Star Wars character in the film's prequel trilogy?

    Answer: Jango Fett

  76. "Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge" is a virtual reality adventure game released in November 2020 for what VR headset system?

    Answer: Oculus

  77. In 2021, Bandai issued an R2-D2 edition of what handheld toy, whose name is a blend of the Japanese words for "egg" and "watch"?

    Answer: Tamagotchi

  78. In a 2021 poll by Slashfilm.com, what evil emperor also known as Darth Sidious was voted the worst "Star Wars" character of all time?

    Answer: Palpatine

  79. The first Star Wars video game, made for the Atari 2600, was based on which film in the original trilogy?

    Answer: The Empire Strikes Back

  80. What actor, who originated one of the most famous roles in the "Star Wars" franchise, later told The Guardian, "Apart from the money, I regret having embarked on the film?"

    Answer: Alec Guinness

  81. The original “Star Wars Holiday Special” aired on CBS in 1978 and marked the first appearance of which character? (Hint: The bounty hunter was voiced by Don Francks in the special and was later played by Jeremy Bulloch with voice acting by Jason Wingreen).

    Answer: Boba Fett

  82. What iconic two-word response did Harrison Ford ad-lib in The Empire Strikes Back?

    Answer: I know

  83. What “R” name applies to a giant creature from Dathomir, that Jabba The Hut keeps in a cave to eat people he doesn’t like in “Return Of The Jedi?” Eating Luke Skywalker doesn’t go that well.

    Answer: Rancor

  84. First revealed in "Attack of the Clones,'" what villainous character was in fact the Jedi Master that took Qui-Gon Jinn as his apprentice?

    Answer: Count Dooku

  85. In 1985, what was the name of the “Star Wars” animated series that revolved around C-3PO and R2D2, not old Motorola phones? (Hint: It’s often paired with “Ewoks,” another animated series that aired at the same time)

    Answer: Droids

  86. What hyperspace route passing by the Maw nebula did Han Solo traverse in the Millenium Falcon using a route that was roughly 40% shorter than was previously thought possible?

    Answer: The Kessel Run

  87. What is the four-letter name for the species of traders that capture R2-D2 and C-3PO before selling them to moisture farmer Luke Skywalker?

    Answer: Jawa

  88. Y-wing fighters are equipped with what kind of cannons that sound pretty positively charged?

    Answer: Ion cannons

  89. After denying the initial reports, what man admitted in January 2013 that he was leaving the Star Trek franchise to direct the return of the Star Wars series return with Episode VII?

    Answer: JJ Abrams

  90. What Star Wars character was introduced as the Padawan apprentice of Anakin Skywalker in the animated film "The Clone Wars" and also starred in the TV series of the same name?

    Answer: Ahsoka Tano

  91. The only non-Jedi to wield a lightsaber in the original "Star Wars" trilogy was Han Solo, when he cut open what thing?

    Answer: TaunTaun

  92. In the affectionate Star Wars parody, “Space Balls,” the film renames the slimy crime lord “Jabba” to something far less sinister and perhaps a bit more delicious. What is this character’s new name?

    Answer: Pizza the Hut

  93. The Jawa Ion Blaster, Imperial Sandtroopers's Big Gun, and Boba Fett's Blaster are all guns found in what famous fictional franchise?

    Answer: Star Wars

  94. What small Brooklyn-based ice cream brand scored a huge "Star Wars" movie tie-in when it made "Dark Side" and "Light Side" flavors inspired by "The Last Jedi?"

    Answer: Ample Hills

  95. During the ‘90s, Lockheed Martin developed the graphics system for what video game company’s Model 3 system for arcade games including “Virtua Fighter 3”, “SpikeOut”, and “Star Wars Trilogy Arcade”?

    Answer: Sega

  96. Cassian Andor, a Rebel intelligence officer and captain of the titular “Rogue One” in the 2016 film, as well as the star of the 2022 Disney+ show “Andor”, is played by what Mexican actor? He has also starred in such films as “Y tu mama tambien” and “Milk.”

    Answer: Diego Luna

  97. What “M” Welsh director was at the helm of 1983’s “Return Of The Jedi?” His other movies include “Eye Of The Needle” and “Jagged Edge.”

    Answer: Richard Marquand

  98. What streetwear brand, whose name is a word meaning "friends and relatives," debuted a 54-piece Star Wars-themed collection in December 2021 featuring Stormtrooper sweaters, a C-3PO waffle-knit tee, and other items?

    Answer: Kith

  99. What actress, star of “Leon: The Professional” and the Star Wars franchise, graduated from Harvard University with a BA in psychology in 2003?

    Answer: Natalie Portman

  100. For two seasons in the 1980s, what animated "Star Wars" series followed the adventures of Wicket W. Warwick and his friends on the forest moon of Endor?

    Answer: Ewoks

  101. What comic book company published the original "Star Wars" comic book series that ran from 1977 to 1987, and included 107 issues and three annuals?

    Answer: Marvel

  102. What toy manufacturer produced the first Star Wars action figures?

    Answer: Kenner

  103. What “H” Star Wars character is an alien in the Mos Eisley Cantina in “Star Wars: Episode IV”, with a large brown head that resembles a banging hardware tool? His compound word name is the same as a shark with a similarly large head.

    Answer: Hammerhead

  104. What Northern Irish actor, known for “Schindler’s List” and the “Taken” franchise, played Qui-Gon Jinn in “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace?”

    Answer: Liam Neeson

  105. What “G” Star Wars robot and General was known as a feared Jedi hunter with multiple robotic limbs in “Star Wars: Episode III” and the “Clone Wars” franchise? His name is also an adjective for a severe or serious blow.

    Answer: General Grievous

  106. In “Return Of The Jedi,” Oola is the dancer sent off to be killed by the rancor owned by what fat, slimy, “J” Hutt?

    Answer: Jabba The Hut

  107. In “Fortnite,” video game combatants can use what “L” Star Wars weapon? The chosen weapon of the Jedi, it is in essence a laser blade, created by careful manipulation of rare crystals.

    Answer: Lightsaber

  108. The impossibility of removing large flocks of puffins from Skellig Michael, the real-life location that represents Ahch-To in "The Last Jedi," led to the design of what cute and cuddly creatures?

    Answer: Porgs

  109. Retail employees Randal and Dante earnestly discuss the killing of innocent civilians on the Second Death Star in "Return of the Jedi," in what 1994 black-and-white Kevin Smith film?

    Answer: Clerks

  110. George Lucas originally dreamed that one of the most famous actor/directors of the era would voice Darth Vader. In the end, Lucas decided that the voice of which famous man—known for “Citizen Kane” and “The War of the Worlds”—was just too iconic and therefore too easy for audiences to recognize?

    Answer: Orson Welles

  111. The planet of Tatooine is part of a binary star system. Its two suns share what name, being distinguished only by Roman numerals following this name?

    Answer: Tatoo (Tatoo I and Tatoo II)

  112. The first film in the Skywalker Saga, which Star Wars movie (Episode I) was released in 1999 and starred Liam Neeson, Ewan McGregor, and Natalie Portman?

    Answer: The Phantom Menace

  113. What is the name of the carnivorous creature from Tatooine that C-3PO is talking about when he says, "In its belly, you will find a new definition of pain and suffering, as you are slowly digested over a thousand years"—?

    Answer: Sarlacc

  114. In Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, what is the name of the Xexto podracer pilot who finishes second to Anakin Skywalker in the Boonta Eve Classic Podrace?

    Answer: Gasgano

  115. The newest area at Disney Theme Parks is a Star Wars-themed experience that opened in 2019 at both Disneyland and Disney World's Hollywood Studios. What two-word name, referring to the remote frontier planet Batuu, do these themed areas share?

    Answer: Galaxy's Edge

  116. What’s the A-name of the species that could pass for humans as long as their tentacle-like projections were hidden in their cheeks, and they weren’t drinking Force soup?

    Answer: Anzati

  117. Also the number of years separating the births of Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher, how many years old is Padme when she is elected Queen of Naboo in The Phantom Menace?

    Answer: 14

  118. The screenplay for “Star Wars Episode II – Attack of the Clones” (2002) was co-written by George Lucas and which British screenwriter who had written for the British TV war drama “Manhunt” in the ‘70s?

    Answer: Jonathan Hales

  119. In the early ‘90s, which series of young adult sci-fi novels written by Paul and Hollace Davids told of the adventures of Luke, Leia, and Han? (Hint: The books were set about a year after the events of “Return of the Jedi”)

    Answer: Jedi Prince

  120. “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” was the first film in the franchise to be distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures instead of which studio?

    Answer: 20th Century Fox

  121. As one of the most versatile voice actors in the “Star Wars” franchise, who gave Frank Oz a break and voiced Yoda in the “Clone Wars” films and various TV shows and video games in the 2000s?

    Answer: Tom Kane

  122. Five men with the same four-letter first name won Oscars for the first Star Wars film - Mr. Barry won for Art Direction, Mr. Mollo for Costume Design, Mr. Williams for Original Score, and Mr. Stears and Mr. Dykstra for Visual Effects. What name did they share?

    Answer: John

  123. In the whole nine movies of the Skywalker Saga, which character has the most combined screen time?

    Answer: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader

  124. In Episode IV, Han Solo famously misuses what unit of distance, which is equal to 3.26 light-years, as a unit of time, when he says that the Millennium Falcon made the Kessel run in 12 of them?

    Answer: Parsecs

  125. President Ronald Reagan borrowed what alliterative phrase from Star Wars in a 1983 speech about the Soviet Union?

    Answer: Evil Empire

  126. Which actor, who passed away in 1994 was digitally brought back to life in the 2016 Star Wars canon movie ‘Rogue One’?

    Answer: Peter Cushing

  127. A member of Michigan's Class of 1955, what bass-voiced actor is known for, among other roles, providing the voice of Darth Vader in "Star Wars" and of Mufasa in "The Lion King?"

    Answer: James Earl Jones

  128. Also known as “Darth Vader’s theme” and written by John Williams, what is the only movie in the nine-part Skywalker saga where the piece of music called “The Imperial March” is not featured at all?

    Answer: Episode IV A New Hope

  129. It begins with "A", and ends in "O", but contains no other vowels. On what planet (said to be the "most unfindable place in the galaxy" does Rey find Luke Skywalker at the end of The Force Awakens?

    Answer: Ahch-To

  130. George Lucas has the most screenwriting credits in Episodes I through IX of Star Wars. Who has the second most screenwriting credits?

    Answer: Lawrence Kasdan

  131. Seen in Return of the Jedi, Chief Chirpa is the leader of a tribe of what species of creature?

    Answer: Ewoks

  132. A 1984 Star Wars spinoff film follows what fluffy puppet creatures who live on the Moon of Endor, and who were first introduced in Return of the Jedi?

    Answer: Ewoks

  133. Which actor, who is known for his lead role in Quentin Tarantino’s ‘Hateful Eight’, unsuccessfully auditioned for the role of Luke Skywalker?

    Answer: Kurt Russell

  134. Star Wars movies are often interesting for their cameos. Of the final trilogy (not counting "Rogue One" or "Solo"), which movie includes cameos by, among others, Ed Sheeran (as a stormtrooper), Lin Manuel Miranda (as a soldier), Kevin Smith (as an inhabitant of Kijimi), and composer John Williams (as a character named Oma Tres)?

    Answer: The Rise of Skywalker

  135. Passing away in 2013 at the age of 98, Stuart Freeborn was the supervisor of which department in the production of Episode IV in 1977?

    Answer: Makeup

  136. Which actor played Unkar Plutt, a member of the Crolute species residing on Jakku in Episode VII: The Force Awakens?

    Answer: Simon Pegg

  137. As seen in Episodes I-III, how many spires does the Jedi Temple on Coruscant have?

    Answer: Five

  138. Which Star Wars character's final line before dying is "Tell your sister... you were right"?

    Answer: Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader

  139. Which 1998 Brad Pitt Movie is infamous as a lot of people paid to see the movie and left early because they only wanted to see the Episode trailer before it?

    Answer: Meet Joe Black

  140. By blending the sounds of a bear, a lion, a badger, and a walrus, sound designer Ben Burtt created the iconic voice of which Star Wars character?

    Answer: Chewbacca

  141. Of the three original Star Wars movies, which had the longest time elapse between the film's release and its induction into the Library of Congress's National Film Registry?

    Answer: Return of the Jedi

  142. What many people consider the best movie in the series, "The Empire Strikes Back," was co-written by Leigh Brackett and what screenwriter/director of "The Big Chill"?

    Answer: Lawrence Kasdan

  143. Legend has it that George Lucas was inspired to come up with which Star Wars character after his dog, an Alaskan Malamute, who could easily be mistaken for a person when he’d ride shot gun in the car?

    Answer: Chewbacca

  144. According to a quote by Padme Amidala in 'Star Wars Episode III', what dies with thunderous applause?

    Answer: Liberty

  145. After escaping Jabba the Hut’s palace in "Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi," Luke Skywalker returns to what murky “D” planet to finish training as a Jedi with Yoda?

    Answer: Dagobah

  146. How old was young Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace? (Hint: It’s the same as the episode number of “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.”)

    Answer: 9

  147. What color is Bantha milk, which first appeared in Episode IV (and tasted pretty awful in real life, according to Mark Hamill)?

    Answer: Blue

  148. Which Australian actor played Owen Lars a.k.a. Uncle Owen in Episodes II & III?

    Answer: Joel Edgerton

  149. At the beginning of “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” Han Solo enlists in the Imperial version of what branch of the Armed Forces?

    Answer: Imperial Navy

  150. Which film in the Skywalker Saga was the first to gross over a billion dollars at the box office? (You can answer either with the film's title or the episode number)

    Answer: Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace

  151. After playing the character on "The Mandalorian," what actress plays former Jedi Ahsoka Tano on the Disney+ series "Ahsoka"?

    Answer: Rosario Dawson

  152. Selling for over $200,000 at auction in March 2022, the most valuable Star Wars action figure of all time was a “rocket” launcher version of which character?

    Answer: Boba Fett

  153. Who was in charge of the cinematography of the prequel trilogy of movies (episodes I-III) of the Skywalker saga?

    Answer: David Tattersall

  154. Who was the director for the final movie in the Skywalker Saga: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker?

    Answer: J. J. Abrams

  155. In "Star Wars: The Last Jedi," what were the creatures that Finn and Rose rode to escape the fabulously wealthy gambling den on Canto Bight?

    Answer: Fathiers

  156. Before becoming Supreme Chancellor (and then Emperor), Sheev Palpatine was a Galactic Senator from what world, the same as Padme Amidala?

    Answer: Naboo

  157. What desert in Tunisia was a filming location for several “Star Wars” movies, specifically in the role of Tatooine and Matmata?

    Answer: Sahara

  158. To what sentient species do the Caretakers of Ahch-to, who tend to the ancient structures in the Jedi village in "The Last Jedi," belong?

    Answer: Lanai

  159. Of the 11 feature-length, live-action Star Wars films released by Lucasfilm in theaters, only one does not have R2-D2 in the film. Which movie is this?

    Answer: Solo: A Star Wars Story

  160. What retired FIFA Women’s World Cup champion goalkeeper for Team USA has a name made of words from the titles of two different “Star Wars” movies?

    Answer: Hope Solo

  161. The most expensive properties in the Phantom Menace edition of Monopoly are on what skysrcapery city planet?

    Answer: Coruscant

  162. There is a city floating in the upper atmosphere of Bespin, a city which serves a dual-purpose as both a gas mine and a luxury resort. What is the name of this city?

    Answer: Cloud City

  163. In “Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi”, what actress plays Vice-Admiral Amilyn Holdo, a Rebel officer who briefly takes over for Admiral Leia after Leia is exposed to space? She won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for “Marriage Story” in 2020.

    Answer: Laura Dern

  164. What type of crystal is used in the Star Wars universe as the power source of a lightsaber? This same source was used to generate the power for the Death Star's superlaser.

    Answer: Kyber crystal

  165. What “B” Star Wars character is a childhood acquaintance of Luke Skywalker’s who flies in his X-Wing Squadron at the end of “Episode IV: A New Hope?” His name is the same as the last name of actor Jason who starred in “American Pie.”

    Answer: Biggs Darklighter

  166. One of many other movies to reference "Star Wars," what 1998 disaster film features Ben Affleck's character declaring, "I'm Han and you're Chewbacca?"

    Answer: Armageddon

  167. When it came out in 1980, critics gave it mixed reviews. At 94% positive in 2022, which Star Wars film currently has the highest rating on Rotten Tomatoes?

    Answer: The Empire Strikes Back

  168. What Vietnamese American actress rose to prominence playing Rose Tico in the "Star Wars" franchise, beginning with "The Last Jedi" in 2017?

    Answer: Kelly Marie Tran

  169. Which 2015 Star Wars movie directed by J.J. Abrams was the first film in the franchise that didn’t have a video game tie-in when it came out? (Fun Fact: It did eventually get a video game…but just the Lego version).

    Answer: The Force Awakens

  170. Which Kenyan-Mexican, Oscar-winning actress played Maz Kanata, who we first meet in “The Force Awakens” (2015)?

    Answer: Lupita Nyong'o

  171. Also home to the planet covering Imperial City, on which planet is the Jedi Temple located?

    Answer: Coruscant

  172. In the final episode of the first season of "The Mandalorian," a famous weapon is revealed when briefly seen in the hands of Moff Gideon. What is this weapon?

    Answer: The Darksaber

  173. Ahsoka Tano is the Padawan apprentice of what other character in the Star Wars franchise? Tano will be played by Rosario Dawson in the second season of The Mandalorian.

    Answer: Anakin Skywalker

  174. Which Star Wars movie was given the working title “Blue Harvest: Horror Beyond Imagination” to disguise it from fans and the press while in production?

    Answer: Return of the Jedi

  175. At the end of "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker." Rey pulls out and activates her own lightsaber for the first time. What color is it?

    Answer: Yellow

  176. Not counting the special achievement award won for the movie’s sound, how many competitive Oscars did Star Wars Episode IV (A New Hope) win at the 50th Academy Awards from its ten nominations?

    Answer: Six

  177. In Star Wars Episode VIII, what character joins Finn and BB-8 on Canto Bight as they search for the master codebreaker?

    Answer: Rose

  178. What is the name of the oceanic planet where cloning technology is developed, and the Clone Army is created and trained? Obi-Wan visits this planet during "Attack of the Clones."

    Answer: Kamino

  179. After Muppets creator Jim Henson declined the opportunity from George Lucas, he recommended what colleague to accept the role of puppeteer and voice actor for the Jedi Master Yoda?

    Answer: Frank Oz

  180. In the Star Wars universe, most residents of the planet Shili, including Jedi Master Shaak Ti and Padawan Ahsoka Tano, are members of what sentient humanoid species?

    Answer: Togruta

  181. Rey, the scavenger-turned-Jedi in the Star Wars "sequel" trilogy, is first shown on what planet?

    Answer: Jakku

  182. Appearing in "The Last Jedi," the character Slowen Lo is named for the song "Slow and Low" from the 1986 album "Licensed to Ill" by what hip-hop group?

    Answer: The Beastie Boys

  183. Twelve years after his character fell and died in Mount Doom in “The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King," what actor voiced the First Order’s Supreme Leader Snoke in the 2015 film “Star Wars: The Force Awakens”?

    Answer: Andy Serkis

  184. In 2016’s “Rogue One”, Felicity Jones played what character, the daughter of the designer of the Death Star who becomes a leader in the Rebel Alliance after being rescued from detention by the Empire?

    Answer: Jyn Erso

  185. What character is responsible for the death of Jabba the Hutt in Return of the Jedi?

    Answer: Leia

  186. The film Fanboys (2009) tells the tale of a group of friends who travel across the country to break into Skywalker Ranch and steal a copy of what Star Wars film before its release? Please give just the name, not the episode number, and no need to include the words "Star Wars."

    Answer: The Phantom Menace

  187. What was Luke Skywalker's last name in the original script for "Star Wars: A New Hope?" The name went on to be used for a military base similar to the Death Star in "Star Wars: The Force Awakens."

    Answer: Starkiller

  188. Which 2005 addition to the Star Wars movie universe was the first of the films to be entirely shot in a studio?

    Answer: Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith

  189. At a running time of 2 hours 32 minutes, what is the longest movie of the nine-movie ‘Skywalker Saga’, made up of the prequel, original and sequel trilogies?

    Answer: The Last Jedi

  190. At the start of 2015’s “The Force Awakens,” Finn had defected from his post as a stormtrooper in which faction?

    Answer: First Order

  191. Who is the only actor to have appeared in all the Star Wars films? In "Solo: A Star Wars Story" he plays a character named "Tak," which is different from the character he normally plays in the films.

    Answer: Anthony Daniels

  192. Of the last three movies in the main storyline, "The Force Awakens" had the most Academy Award nominations, exactly half the number gotten by "A New Hope.". How many did "The Force Awakens" have?

    Answer: 5

  193. In what African nation were the scenes set on the planet Tattooine filmed (in a city called Tataouine, no less)?

    Answer: Tunisia

  194. Having a birthday on May 14, in which year was Star Wars creator George Lucas born? Three years either way accepted

    Answer: 1944

  195. What Star Wars film was a financial flop, losing (after production and marketing costs) a staggering $76.9 million?

    Answer: Solo: A Star Wars Story

  196. The music for the cantina scene in "A New Hope" was written by John Williams, but the music for the cantina scene in "The Force Awakens" (where Rey, Finn, Han, and Chewie go to Maz Kanata's watering hole) was co-written by director J.J. Abrams and what multiple Tony-award winning composer?

    Answer: Lin-Manuel Miranda

  197. On what planet, where the boundary between life and death is unusually thin, was Palpatine resurrected—and later defeated—in "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker"?

    Answer: Exegol

  198. For the planet Crait in "The Last Jedi," filming was done at Salar de Uyuni, the world’s largest salt flat. This real-life place is found in what South American nation?

    Answer: Bolivia

  199. What is the name of the horned, clawed white-furred species of snow monster found on the icy planet that was home to the Rebel Alliance's temporary Echo Base in "The Empire Strikes Back"?

    Answer: Wampas

  200. What Asian-American actress rose to prominence after playing the character of Rose Tico in "The Last Jedi" and "The Rise of Skywalker?"

    Answer: Kelly Marie Tran

  201. The planet Alderaan is well known to “Star Wars” fans for being the home of Bail Organa and what adopted daughter of his, who would rise above her royal ranks to become in essence the leader of the Rebel Alliance?

    Answer: Leia Organa

  202. Who was the senator from Naboo when Amidala was queen in "Star War: Episode 1?"

    Answer: Palpatine

  203. The exterior scenes from the planet of Hoth in "The Empire Strikes Back" were filmed on the Hardangerjøkulen glacier, located in what country?

    Answer: Norway

  204. In "The Phantom Menace," Shmi and Anakin Skywalker are both slaves of what Todarian owner of a second-hand goods store on Tatooine?

    Answer: Watto

  205. Killed by Tusken Raiders on her home planet of Tatooine during "Attack of the Clones," what was the first name of Annakin's mother?

    Answer: Shmi

  206. What actor was the only performer to earn an acting nomination for an Oscar in a Star Wars film? Note: we are looking for the actor, not the character.

    Answer: Alec Guinness

  207. What popular Star Wars side character made his first appearance in an animated segment during the “Star Wars Holiday Special” (1980), saving Luke Skywalker and others from a giant monster? He was born on the planet Kamino.

    Answer: Boba Fett

  208. Which Star Wars villain was originally played by Declan Mulholland in A New Hope, before the scene was cut and the character completely reimagined?

    Answer: Jabba the Hutt

  209. What is the name of the character played by Laura Dern in The Last Jedi whose namesake "manouevre" is essentially kamikaze attack done at lightspeed?

    Answer: Amilyn Holdo

  210. What sinister Dug and Pod Racing champion was bested by a young Anakin in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace?

    Answer: Sebulba

  211. Already familiar with marshaling from "Justified" and "Fargo" what actor played pseudo-law dude Cobb Vanth on "The Mandalorian" episode, "The Marshal"?

    Answer: Timothy Olyphant

  212. To make the TIE Fighter sound extra terrifying, legendary sound designer Ben Burtt combined the sound of cars on wet pavement with the sound of what formidable animal?

    Answer: Elephant

  213. A kerfuffle over the Darksaber and control of Mandalore sparked what Imperial genocide with a name similar to a horror franchise?

    Answer: The Great Purge

  214. What was the original title of Return of the Jedi? This title was used in a teaser trailer in 1982, as well as promotional posters, until George Lucas changed his mind.

    Answer: Revenge of the Jedi

  215. Which 2019 Star Wars sequel directed by J.J. Abrams centered on the epic showdown between the Resistance and Kylo Ren, and starred Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill, Adam Driver, and Daisy Ridley?

    Answer: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

  216. Of the nine movies in Star Wars' Skywalker Saga, how many were directed by George Lucas?

    Answer: 4 (Episodes I - IV)

  217. In the expanded universe its species is identified as being an Exogorth, but in "Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back" what alliterative name is given to the gigantic-toothed gastropod living in the asteroid which the Millennium Falcon seeks refuge in?

    Answer: Space Slug

  218. Before making "A New Hope," George Lucas had sought to license the rights to a pulp-hero with a two-word name. This "speedy" hero's story eventually inspired many elements of the first Star Wars film. Who is this hero?

    Answer: Flash Gordon

  219. 2021 saw the release of a Lego Star Wars app on Apple Arcade, featuring PvP fights between live players, with what “B” name? The name reminds fans of famous moments on Hoth, Naboo, and Yavin.

    Answer: Lego Star Wars Battles

  220. What two-word name is given to the cantina on Tatooine where Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi first encounter Han Solo? It’s a hangout for a lot of seedy alien criminal types.

    Answer: Mos Eisley Cantina

  221. Aurebesh is the writing system used to represent what spoken-word language that is the most commonly referenced language in the “Star Wars” films?

    Answer: Galactic Basic

  222. What is the name of the series of Star Wars video games that began on the Nintendo 64 console in 1998 as one of the first games for the console that supported "Expansion Pak" which enabled higher-quality graphics?

    Answer: Rogue Squadron

  223. In the movie "Star Wars", R2D2 claimed he was the property of Obi-Wan Kenobi but C3PO disagreed. Who did C3PO claim was their former master?

    Answer: Captain Antilles

  224. In "Star Wars: Episode IV, A New Hope," what is the number of the cell block on the Death Star that Luke Skywalker claims to be transferring Chewbacca from? The number is a reference to an earlier George Lucas film, which was in turn an expanded version of a student film he made while at USC.

    Answer: 1138

  225. In this infamous 1978 “Star Wars Holiday Special”, Han Solo joins Chewbacca on the Wookiee’s home planet Kashyyyk to celebrate what holiday?

    Answer: Life Day

  226. What Star Wars mobile game allows you to collect characters from both the light and dark sides, such as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, then play them in RPG-style combat?

    Answer: Galaxy of Heroes

  227. What is the idyllic-sounding name of the starcruiser where you can have a two-night immersive experience at Walt Disney World Florida, including lightsaber lessons and a view of space from your cabin?

    Answer: Halcyon

  228. Featuring noted rogue Han Solo's proposal to Princess Leia, the 2022 latest Star Wars novel is called "The Princess and the" WHAT?

    Answer: Scoundrel

  229. Before he played young Anakin Skywalker in “Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace” (1999), which actor got his big break playing Arnold Schwarzenegger’s son in the holiday comedy, “Jingle All the Way” (1996)?

    Answer: Jake Lloyd

  230. Though she gave it to Obi-Wan shortly before she died, Padmé was buried with a good luck charm that had been made by Anakin. It was made from japor ivory wood, a type of wood from what planet?

    Answer: Tatooine

  231. In November 2022, Lucasfilm announced the cast for what religious-sounding upcoming Star Wars original TV series that will be set during the High Republic era?

    Answer: The Acolyte

  232. Neophyte Jedi Luke whines to Obi-Wan in "A New Hope" that what blocking structure keeps him from seeing during his Millennium Falcon lightsaber practice?

    Answer: Blast Shield

  233. Mostly known for playing Cliff Clavin on the sitcom "Cheers," actor John Ratzenberger played Rebel Major Bren Derlin in which Star Wars film?

    Answer: The Empire Strikes Back

  234. What is the name of the large omnivorous cephalopods from the planet Vodran, having seven suckered tentacles, an eyestalk, a mouth of sharp teeth and several hearts?

    Answer: Dianoga

  235. What’s the name of the tree-covered planet that Wookies call home?

    Answer: Kashyyyk

  236. With long limbs, lozenge-shaped furry bodies, and a name that contains lots of letters from the end of the alphabet, what species of Endor included Joh Yowza and Wam Lufba?

    Answer: Yuzzum

  237. Since it was released in November of 1976, “Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker” actually came before the first Star Wars film, which it was a tie-in for. What kind of media was it?

    Answer: Novel

  238. Parker Brothers released the first officially licensed Star Wars video game in 1982 on which console?

    Answer: Atari 2600

  239. What much-reviled "Star Wars" character is a Twi'lek who served for decades as majordomo and chief of staff to Jabba the Hutt?

    Answer: Bib Fortuna

  240. Which actor who starred as Han in 2018’s “Solo: A Star Wars Story” has said he got his big break acting in a video for a friend’s bat mitzvah that was subsequently watched by Steven Spielberg?

    Answer: Alden Ehrenreich

  241. What line of highly muscled heroes and villains was created by Mattel in 1979 to try and rival the popularity of Kenner's Star Wars action figures? Mattel introduced their backstory with a comic book, and made them the subject of an animated television series that ran from 1983 to 1985.

    Answer: Masters of the Universe

  242. What is Jedi Master Yoda's last name in the Star Wars franchise?

    Answer: He doesn't have one

  243. Grand Moff Tarkin, the commander of the Death Star and loyal advisor to Darth Vader in "Star Wars: Episode IV", was played by legendary British actor, probably otherwise best known for dueling with Christopher Lee in a series of Hammer horror films?

    Answer: Peter Cushing

  244. The iconic score for Star Wars Episode IV was recorded in 1977 by John Williams, and the Symphony Irchestra of which city?

    Answer: London

  245. A British prince and the First Son of the U.S. fall in love despite enthusiastically disagreeing on which "Star Wars" movie is the best, in what bestselling 2019 novel by Casey McQuiston?

    Answer: Red, White, & Royal Blue

  246. What “Pulp Fiction” actor was George Lucas’ second choice to play Han Solo and would have taken the role had Harrison Ford declined it?

    Answer: Christopher Walken

  247. What independent organic chocolate producer was purchased by Hershey's in 2006? The brand name sounds like a planet in the Star Wars universe, although it really comes from a Sanskrit word meaning "hemispherical dome."

    Answer: Dagoba

  248. The language spoken by the Ewoks is a combination of two real-life languages. Name either one!

    Answer: Tibetan and Nepalese

What makes Star Wars movie trivia so engaging?

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248 Star Wars Trivia Questions (Ranked From Easiest to Hardest) (1)

About the Author

Eli Robinson is the Chief Trivia Officer at Water Cooler Trivia. He was once in a Bruce Springsteen cover band called F Street Band.

248 Star Wars Trivia Questions (Ranked From Easiest to Hardest) (2025)


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