LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (2025)

This page of the game guide to LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga contains a list of collectibles available in the Resistance Base located on the D'Qar planet. We have described in detail all available puzzles in this location, thanks to which you will be able to reach the hidden Kyber Bricks - they are one of in-game collectibles.

  • Welcome to D'Qar! (Welcome to D'Qar!)
  • D'Qar Cargo-a-go-go
  • Crucial Supplies
  • Science and Nature
  • Piping Hot Reward
  • Kyber in Them Thar Hills
  • Bunker Bounty
  • Bacta Brother
  • Commandeering the Command Room
  • D'Key D'Qar-d
  • Supply Stacking
  • Rat Race
  • Limited Power
  • Password Reminder
  • Rebel Running
  • Engine Problems
  • Satellite Base

Welcome to D'Qar! (Welcome to D'Qar!)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (1)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is in the south-eastern part of the base, right next to the landing field.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (2)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (3)

You will find a locked chest with a collectible that requires you to press four buttons:

  1. Two buttons are on the wall next to the landing pad (picture 1).
  2. The next two buttons are pressure plates near the chest (example plate is shown in picture 2).

You have to touch all buttons before the time limit expires.

D'Qar Cargo-a-go-go

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (4)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is in the southern part of the map.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (5)

The secret is on the big black chests. Choose any character that can use the Force and use the nearby smaller containers to build a small tower (example in the picture). This will allow you to jump upstairs and collect the Kyber brick.

Crucial Supplies

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (6)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The puzzle is in the southern part of the map.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (7)

You have to find the silver container presented in the picture above. Choose any character from the Villains class in order to be able to throw a grenade at the container and destroy it, thus revealing the collectible.

Science and Nature

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (8)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is in a small, separate area in the south-west corner of the map.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (9)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (10)

You need to locate the wall shown in picture 1 which is to the north of the collectible marker - you can cut it and breach through it after choosing any character with a lightsaber. Travel through the jungle destroying the bushes along the way.

You will come across a large fire. Destroy the nearby objects. You will be able to start building (picture 2) and construct a Water Cannon or a Fan. Each of these objects can extinguish the fire. Break the extinguished fire to gain access to the brick.

Piping Hot Reward

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (11)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is in the north-western part of the map.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (12)

The collectible is hidden in a locked container, but solving the puzzle is very simple. Use the blaster to hit the shield hidden behind the trees - it is shown in the picture above.

Kyber in Them Thar Hills

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (13)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is in the north-eastern corner of the map.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (14)

Switch to any character from the Bounty Hunters class. You have to shoot the golden chest shown in the picture, which hides a secret.

Bunker Bounty

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (15)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (16)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is in bunker 03. You can unlock access to it from the north or the south - select R2-D2 and interact with the blue terminal by solving the rotating rings puzzle.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (17)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (18)

You will find a locked container and you have to look around the bunker in order to find 4 targets. The locations of the targets are shown in picture 2:

  1. the first target is above the locked chest,
  2. the second target is on the opposite side, under the ceiling,
  3. the other two targets are on the side and to find one of them you have to destroy a few crates.

After locating the targets, start shooting at them. You have to hit them all before the time runs out.

Bacta Brother

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (19)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The puzzle can be completed in one of the separate rooms of the Resistance Base Room. The entrance to it is shown in the picture above and it is in bunker 03. You can unlock access to it from the north or the south - select R2-D2 and interact with the blue terminal by solving the rotating rings puzzle.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (20)

You will find yourself in a location with 3 people held in capsules. In front of each capsule there is a terminal that allows you to choose symbols. The solution to the puzzle is presented in the picture above:

  1. select a yellow symbol next to the left capsule,
  2. select a purple symbol next to the middle capsule,
  3. select a blue symbol next to the right capsule.

Completing the puzzle will empty the capsule with the collectible. This will allow you to collect the kyber brick.

Commandeering the Command Room

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (21)

Type of collectible: Puzzle - Meson Martinet ship

The brick is in a separate room in the Command Center. The entrance to it is in the central part of the map and is shown in the above screenshot.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (22)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (23)

As you walk through the Command Center you can talk to a member of the resistance and learn about the need to provide an energy source. Search the entire room to find the silver container shown in picture 2. You have to destroy it while playing as a Villain class character in order to be able to throw a grenade. Reach the slot shown in picture 1 with the energy source, where you should insert it.

D'Key D'Qar-d

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (24)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (25)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The puzzle can be completed in the northern part of the map. Take an interest in the chest shown in picture 2, which is adjacent to the wall of one of the bunkers. You will learn about the necessity to provide an access card.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (26)

The access card is marked with a purple icon on the map. You'll find her in bunker 03 south-east of here. As a reminder, in order to get to bunker 03, you have to use R2-D2 and hack into one of the blue terminals.

Bring an access card. Use it in the card slot in order to unlock the container with the collectible.

Supply Stacking

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (27)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is levitating at a high altitude in the north-western part of the base.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (28)

As active characters you should choose any person with the Force and a droid. Use the Force to grab the droid and lift it up. Move it near the hanging brick (the picture above) and switch to it in order to catch the collectible in flight.

Rat Race

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (29)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (30)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is hidden in a closed room in bunker 02. You cannot get into it by simply breaking any of the shutters as they are indestructible.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (31)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (32)

Find the golden terminal shown in the picture 1 in bunker 02 and interact with it as C-3PO.

A droid remote control mini-game will start. You must quickly pass through the electric traps when they are inactive. Do not play through it too carefully, because the mini-game has to be completed before the time runs out. However, there is still a lot of time to complete the puzzle. Reach the pressure plate shown in picture 2 to unlock a room with a Kyber brick.

Limited Power

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (33)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (34)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The puzzle can be completed in the Storage Room, which is a separate small location. You have to start in bunker 02 in the northern part of the base. Go down the stairs to the lower level of the bunker and locate the passage shown in picture 2.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (35)

The puzzle is rather easy. There are 2 levers in the room. Use two separate characters to grab them, thanks to which you will open the chest that hides the secret.

Password Reminder

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (36)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is in the bunker 01 in the western part of the base. If the bunker is closed, then look for a lever above one of the large gates.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (37)

Your task is to open the room with the collectible (the picture above). However, you need to learn the password to the golden terminal.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (38)

Leave the Resistance Base. From the galaxy map, select planet Tatooine and Mos Eisley. A key icon should appear in the central part of Mos Eisley - this is the place where you obtain the password (the picture above).

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (39)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (40)

You will reach a closed imperial post. Choose any character that can use the Force and use mind control to take control (Influence) over one of the Stormtroopers on the other side of the gate (picture 1). Use it to destroy the devices on the sides of the gate - the passage will be unlocked.

You can now select C-3PO and locate the golden terminal shown in picture 2. Get the password you are looking for (D'Qar Resistance Base Storage Room). Return with him to the base on D'Qar and use the golden terminal there. Select the appropriate password from the list. This will unlock the room with the secret.

Rebel Running

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (41)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The puzzle can be solved in the southern part of the base. It's in a locked cage.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (42)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (43)

Start by choosing any character that wields the Force. Use the Force to grab one of the nearby large objects and place it on the first pressure plate shown in picture 1.

This action will unlock an area near the domes, under which there are 4 more pressure platforms. In this case, you have to run over them (in any order) and touch them all before the time limit expires. If you reached the time limit, return to the newly opened container to collect the Kyber brick.

Engine Problems

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (44)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The puzzle can be completed in bunker 04 in the southern part of the base. If the bunker is closed, locate the interactive lever above the large gate leading to it.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (45)

In the bunker, you can learn from the Resistance Mechanic about the need to repair the engine. This means that you have to find 3 different parts to make it working again.

The part that is the most difficult to obtain is the one that requires you to use a character which has the grappling hook ability. Use it to drop the cargo shown in the picture above. In the case of the other 2 parts, destroy all objects in bunker 04 until you find them.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (46)

The second part of the puzzle consists in placing the just found parts in the correct slots of the engine. The solution to the puzzle is presented in picture above. After placing the parts just pull the lever.

The running engine will explode, but paradoxically, this is good news, because you will be able to collect the Kyber brick.

Satellite Base

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (47)

Collectible: Puzzle - Kyber Brick

The brick is hidden in the eastern part of the base, to the north of the landing zone.

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (48)

You must take interest in the large satellite dish and reach its top. Stand under the lower balconies of the tower. Choose any character with the Force and a droid. Use the Force on the droid and move it to the balconies (picture above).

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (49)

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (50)

You can still use the droid. Locate the protruding elements from picture 1 and pull towards them one by one. After reaching the last one, you will be able to collect the collectible.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

April 5, 2022

LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (51)LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (52)LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (53)LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (54)

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LEGO Skywalker Saga: Resistance Base - list of all puzzles (2025)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.